The page about me is basically a page about my music projects, because the projects say the most about the composer. I have arranged them chronologically, according to the time of creation or premiere. I present here those projects for which I have materials (music and/or film, texts etc.), regardless of my current sentiment towards them. I present all the works in their entirety, which, together with the text and iconographic materials, gives the fullest possible picture of the project. The list of projects often includes large projects, consisting of a dozen or so songs, lasting over an hour, and small ones, consisting of, for example, one 3-minute song for children. Well, this is the nature of the projects. The larger ones were marked by a small graphic element. Over time, new projects appear here and materials found in the archive relating to projects already published. I also try to extend the functionality of the website in accordance with the possibilities and needs. Reminding you not to violate the rights to copy and distribute the works published on my website, I wish you a pleasant communion with its current form and ... my music.
~~ Jarek Kordaczuk
