How did Chromofonobus come into existence?
Chromofonobus is another effect of my cooperation with Adam Smoczyński. The task was to create an animated film which shows how changes and movement of colors and shapes find their parallels in the fluctuations of colors and rhythm of sounds. What differed our task from writing the typical illustrative film music was mainly a relatively high level of abstraction. So that we had our task defined. We got down to the first part of our job: waiting patiently for a vision or an inspiration. We'd been waiting waited busily and dutifully, without rest. We'd been waiting day and night. And in the morning it dawned upon us that... it's morning. Fortunately a moment later the idea we had been looking for, dawned upon us too. Let's combine the world of geometrical-cardboard colors and shapes with moving, analog-synthetic sounds. Brilliant. So excited with this long-awaited brainwave, we set about phase two: fell asleep!... The third phase, the realization of the idea, in comparison with the previous two was easy, light and pleasant. Just the usual stuff like cutting, arranging, taking pictures, thumping, turning knobs, staring at the screen, listening, cutting, arranging, taking pictures, thumping, turning knobs, staring at the screen, listening, cutting, arranging, taking pictures, thumping, turning knobs, staring at the screen, listening, snip, slap, flick, splash, broom, boom, tarara, snip, slap, flick, splash, broom, boom, tarara, sni, sla, fli, slpa, broo, boo, tar, sni, sla, fli, spla, broo, boo, ta, sn, sl, fl, sb, b, b, t... And in the meantime the movie came into being.
Rotated frame from the movie Chromofonobus.