WordworldsWordworlds - 7 polystylistic pieces for voices and instruments
Music and lyrics: Jarek Kordaczuk
Commisioned by Children's Art Centre in Poznan
So-so song vocal Basia Raduszkiewicz
backing vocals ProForma
music Jarek Kordaczuk Goodnight Romeo vocals Małgorzata Wawruk (Julia, soprano), Marcin Wawruk (Romeo, tenore)
music Jarek Kordaczuk A Forest Tale speaker Basia Raduszkiewicz
music & words Jarek Kordaczuk An Ant rap Marcin Wawruk
beatbox Jakub Zgas Żmijowski
backing vocals Małgorzata Wawruk, Justyna Fandrejewska, Basia Raduszkiewicz
music & words Jarek Kordaczuk First Element vocals Małgorzata Wawruk (Water, S), Justyna Fandrejewska (Fire, A), Marcin Wawruk (Wind, T), Marcin Majdecki (Earth, B)
music & words by Jarek Kordaczuk WaTH's HTe tiEM vocals Małgorzata Wawruk (S), Basia Raduszkiewicz (A), Justyna Fandrejewska (A), Marcin Wawruk (T), Marcin Majdecki (B)
music & words by Jarek Kordaczuk Syntagram computer transformed and multiplied pangram "pchnąć w tę łódź jeża lub ośm skrzyń fig" recorded by various anonymous readers
improvising ensemble
improvised vocal by Małgorzata Wawruk
improvised beatbox by Jakub Zgas Żmijowski
music by Jarek Kordaczuk
Wordworlds - premiere concert
(from the programme of the premiere concert, Poznań, 4 June 2013)
The WORDWORLDS concert is a musical travel in space and time through constellations of verbal and musical means of expression. It is not only a travel through the history of music but the musical styles which are chosen to show the various functions of words in relation to music. The composer by using contemporary and comprehensible language of music turns the words into different forms: poetic song, opera aria, ornamental monody and modal polyphony, hip-hop, illustrative and concrete music, experimental word play or finally something that could be called social network music. Just like a demiurge he creates multicoloured musical wordworlds. It's the first time when Jarek Kordaczuk is not onle the author of the project, composer and the author of the lyrics, the performer and conductor but also the narrator telling the stories about WORDWORLDS. The narration of the concert is multimedial, all the musical elements are combined with visual effects creating coherent entirety and unique composition of WORD-PICTURE-MUSIC .
Programme of the concert: 1.So-so song - a recipe for an unsuccessfull song 2. GoodnightRomeo - bel canto from Verona 3. A Forest Tale - a musically illustrated trip to Baba Yaga 4. First element - polyphonic dispute of four elements 5. An Ant - pseudo-hip-hop description of pseudo-dramatic event 6. WaTH's HTEe tiEM - "cubistic" play of crooked clocks 7. Syntagram - electronic manipulations and controlled improvisations
The authors of the project: Jarek Kordaczuk - composer, the author of the lyrics and the scenario of the concert , narrator Adam Smoczyński - multimedia and visualisation
Performers: Basia Raduszkiewicz - vocal
Jakub ZGAS Żmijowski - beatbox
Proforma Ensemble of Northen-Eastern and Afternoon music : Małgorzata Wawruk - soprano, Justyna Fandrejewska - alto, Marcin Wawruk - tenor, Marcin Majdecki - bas
musical ensemble: Dorota Kwiecińska-Erenz - violin Andrzej Hop - violin Lech Bałaban - viola Agnieszka Bałaban - cello Patryk Piłasiewicz - doublebass Karolina Porwich - flute Mariusz Dziedziniewicz - oboe Krzysztof Mayer - clarinet Dariusz Rybacki - bassoon Piotr Niewiedział - piano Andrzej Mazurek - drums
Jarek Kordaczuk - conductor
 Wordworlds. Premiere, 4 June 2013, "Castle" Culture Centres, Poznań.
Wordworlds - a handful of unordered notes related to the preparations of the premiere concert :
WORDWORLDS :: COMMENTS TO THE ANIMATION AND INSCENISATION 1. So-so Song -- a song a song in 3 steps instruction. Step 1: writer (poet) writes words Step 2: composer writes melody Step 3: singer (performer) sings in front of the audience terms: stanza-chorus, rhytme-rhytme 2 black screens (2m+ high) to cover the choir, + 2 spare screens 2. Goodnight Romeo -- aria (operatic) board 1 Romeo and Juliet love each other soo much that they die..., animated summary of the story (funny!!!) board 2 operatic stage, Romeo and Juliet stage design in the background terms (recitative aria, solo, duet) components of operatic-barque outfit : wig(s), ruffle, cloak, hat, cuffs, spade, long dress, fan etc. not neccessarily a suit, 1-2 components to remark the character is enough 3. A Forest Tale -- musical illustrations Intro: a map of the path to Baba Yaga's house: Hansel and Gretel's house forest (behind a brook) meadow/glade dark forest gingerbread house) 4 boards (animated) synchronised with music: -- forest (mosquitos, brook, bumblebee) -- glade (ufo, aliens with a trumpet instead of nose, owl, grasshooper) -- dark forest (ghosts loomed up behind the trees, huge church bell) -- elephant (rear, it doesn't have to be completely obvious) ie. passing the previous board (covering it) and walking away (new board, may be white/black) terms (illustrative music (instruments) - concrete music (recordings)) darkness, projection changes during the piece, Basia next to the desk with a lamp 4. First element -- monody-polyphony (single voice multivoice) single voice a line draws (curved), may be against background (apla) polyphony - lots of lines, loops and knots starting from the 1st line then add 2nd, 3rd, 4th (each different colour matched with a particular element) next they start to tangle up then 4 symbols of elements appear from the mess the music starts on the board we may play with children: they inflect the voice according to what you draw :))) 4 albas, preferably coloured corresponding to the 4 elements or white/black, symbols of the elements painted on the albas, which will be also projected, Adam will work them out any day... they should look a little bit like clergymen/monks, noble and mysterious 5. Ant -- hip-hop visions: A. An ant (small) - locomotive (machine, huge) -- a man observing/agonising B. speach apparatus instruction what to do to make o voice I will teach someone to speak relying on the picture :-) so I need different details like tongue, teeth, hard palate, soft palate, pharynx etc. and in the second scene there comes a machine/locomotive and an ant terms: #rapper and beatboxer -- words and rythmes i generated bya man #loop - musical loops (based on samples) #texts - words #spiel (rap) - rythymised speaking #flow - individual way of rapping #freestyle improvisation elements of rapper's outfit: cap, huge shirt, chain! etc. I have no idea what else, you may know someone to advise... basically only one but strong attribute is needed!... the idea is to use the attribute to disguise a professor as a rapper and teach him how to rap a huse golden chain seems to be the best choice 6. WaTH's HTe tiEM -- "cubistic" word plays cubistic clocks (must be funny!!!) intro working freaky clock (loop) then boards 1-5 (still) synchronised with music, may refer to the words underlined in the text below but don't have to as long as they are diverse and funny) (we want 5 singers sitting squeezed on a bench each reading a newspaper/book) music of anagrams (anagram palindrome) content: what's the time it's half past chimney the chimney is open it's half past nine what's the time a spring is broken the spring is flying over the tree is it's five past three what's the time there is no clock lost for debts it's ten past two o' clock what's the time to Berlin run I'm not from here it's eight to one what's the time mine is jammed jammed in December in the morning end. Bench - park bench to seat 5 singers (hardly) 7. Syntagram -- electroacoustic processing of words, "network music" PCHNĄĆ W TĘ ŁÓDŹ JEŻA LUB OŚM SKRZYŃ FIG text (inscription) electronically processed as funny as possible the thing is to make a few simple gestures which loop and last for the whole piece I want the soloists to walk around the stage and the auditorium in a chaotic way, dragging along (unwinding) endless strings, which finally will make a huge tangled web... so we need 5 or 6 reels of sheaf- binder string :)... if it is not possible they will entangle each other :) PANGRAMS Pchnąć w tę łódź jeża lub ośm skrzyń fig. [author unknown, pangram quoted by Julian Tuwim in "Pegaz dęba" (Iskry, 2008, p. 320)] Pójdźże, kiń tę chmurność w głąb flaszy! [Jan Gwalbert Henryk Pawlikowski; "Wiadomości Literackie" (nr 1, 1936, p. 7)] Myślę: Fruń z płacht gąsko, jedź wbić nóż [Marceli Leinkram; "Wiadomości Literackie" (nr 1, 1936, sp. 7)] Dość błazeństw, żrą mój pęk luźnych fig [L. Jakubowicz; "Wiadomości Literackie" (nr 1, 1936, p. 7)] W niżach mógł zjeść truflę koń bądź psy [Stanisław Jerzy Nowak; "Wiadomości Literackie" (nr 1, 1936, p. 7)] Mężny bądź, chroń pułk twój i sześć flag. (author unknown) Chwyć małżonkę, strój bądź pleśń z fugi. (author unknown). RIDER microphones
(+stands)/ lines in 5 vocals: 5 mic (own, single) moderator: 1 mic
beatboxer: 1 mic/line tree (fl, ob, cl, fg): 4 mic (clipped)
strings (vn1, vn2, vl, vc): 4 mic (clipped) piano: 2 mic
keyboard: line doublebass: 1 mic/pickup drums: (0)2-8 mic
electronic: 6 lines (2x mono, 2 x stereo) audio monitoring vocals: 1 ear
(own), 2, +2 spare tree: 1 strings: 1 piano/keyb.: 1 doublebass: 1 drums: 1 conductor: 1 desks+lamps together: 19
special - possibility of adding a reverberation of 'church' type for vocals |
 Wordworlds. Premiere. Frames from the animation by Adam Smoczyński.